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Calling all HomeGirls to report to the front line..
Chiiile, LISTEN! This is your season to set into motion all that God has planted inside of you. We are reporting to the front line to go to battle with fear, shame, lack, feeling inadequate, and stagnation, so that we can EXECUTE on everything God has placed inside of us and confidently walk in who God has called us to be. It's all happening September 12-13, 2025 in Marion, IL.
Grab your favorite HomeGirls and join Neimoya Basden on the front line for a powerful, spirit-led, life-changing 2-day HomeGirl Experience at Girl Just Heal Conference '25.
The GIRLIE Experience
Here's what you'll receive:​
Access to entire Conference
Conference T-shirt
This is for the girlies who may not be able to attend both nights, we got you sis!
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